Research Article

NMFBFS: A NMF-Based Feature Selection Method in Identifying Pivotal Clinical Symptoms of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Table 8

Classification accuracy of inferred optimal feature subset via NMFBFS, ReliefF, mRMR, and Elastic Net on the testing set.

MethodsFeature subsetDimensionClassification accuracy in LSSVM (%)

NMFBFS3979.65 ± 6.48

ReliefFFSRF202050.71 ± 1.22
FSRF404076.43 ± 8.27

mRMRFSMR202063.79 ± 1.22
FSMR404077.14 ± 9.18

Elastic NetFSEN202067.57 ± 4.09
FSEN404078.38 ± 9.62