Review Article

Involvement of Machine Learning for Breast Cancer Image Classification: A Survey

Table 8

Available software for deep learning analysis.

SoftwareInterface and backendProvider

Caffe [65, 66]Python, MATLAB, C++Berkeley Vision and Learning Centre, University of California, Berkeley
Torch [67]C, LuaJITā€‰
MatConvNet [68, 69]MATLAB, CVisual Geometry Group, Department of Engineering, University of Oxford
Theano [70, 71]PythonMontreal Institute for Learning Algorithms
University of Montreal
TensorFlows [72]C++, PythonGoogle
CNTK [73]C++Microsoft
Keras [74]Theano, Tensor FlowMIT
dl4j [75]JavaSkymind Engineering
DeeBNET [76, 77]MATLABInformation Technology Department, Amirkabir University of Technology