Research Article

Solutions to No-Wait Flow Shop Scheduling Problem Using the Flower Pollination Algorithm Based on the Hormone Modulation Mechanism

Algorithm 3

: The pseudo code of HMM-FPA.
Step 1. Objective function .
Step 2. Initialize the parameters of nsize, p, et al.
Step 3. Generate the first flower individual by NEH heuristic algorithm, and generate () flower individuals randomly to construct the initial population.
Step 4. Evaluate its fitness , and find the best solution .
Step 5. while (stopping criterion is not satisfied).
Step 6.  for to
Step 7.   Generate a random number that obey the uniformly distribution.
Step 8.   if r < p.
Step 9.     Perform the cross-pollination operator based on hormone modulation mechanism (described in Algorithm 1).
Step 10.   else
Step 11.     Perform the self-pollination operator.
Step 12.   end if.
Step 13.   Calculate the fitness of the new flower gamete .
Step 14.   if , update with .
Step 15.   if , update with .
Step 16.  end for
Step 17.  Perform the variable domain search of dynamic self-adaptive variable work piece blocks operator for the best flower individual (described in Algorithm 2).
Step 18.end while