Research Article

Modelling Multilevel Interdependencies for Resilience in Complex Organisation

Table 2

Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of existing relations.

Structure typeEdge typesWeight Social exchange strengthQualitative characteristics

FormalOne way reporting0.2Weak(i) Weak instrumental exchange 
(ii) Limited reliability 
(iii) No expectation of reciprocation 
(iv) Occasional exchanges
Mutual reporting0.4Moderate(i) Moderate instrumental exchange 
(ii) Moderate reliability 
(iii) Expectation of reciprocation 
(iv) Occasional exchanges
Authority0.6Strong(i) Strong instrumental exchange 
(ii) High reliability 
(iii) No expectation of reciprocation 
(iv) Frequent exchanges
Authority, One way reporting0.8Very strong(i) Strong instrumental exchange 
(ii) Very high reliability 
(iii) No expectation of reciprocation 
(iv) Very frequent exchanges
Mutual reporting
1.0Extremely strong(i) Strong instrumental exchange 
(ii) Extremely high reliability 
(iii) Expectation of reciprocation 
(iv) Very frequent exchanges

InformalAcquaintance0.1Weak(i) Weak instrumental and weak expressive exchange 
(ii) Moderate level of trust 
(iii) Rules of fair exchange 
(iv) Expectation of instant reciprocation 
(v) Limited reliability, often insufficient in obtaining valuable resources 
(vi) Occasional exchanges
Friendship0.3Moderate(i) Weak instrumental and strong expressive exchange 
(ii) High level of trust 
(iii) Rules of need 
(iv) Expectation for reciprocation, but not instant 
(v) High reliability 
(vi) Long-term, occasional exchanges (ad hoc when needed)
Friendship, Acquaintance0.4Strong(i) Moderate instrumental and strong expressive exchange 
(ii) High level of trust 
(iii) Expectation of reciprocation, but not instant 
(iv) High reliability 
(v) Long-term, occasional exchanges
Familiarity0.6Very strong(i) Strong instrumental and moderate expressive exchange 
(ii) High level of trust 
(iii) Rules of favour exchange 
(iv) Expectation of reciprocation, but not instant 
(v) Very high reliability 
(vi) Long-term and frequent exchanges 
(vii) Strong enough to be a bridge to connect to other agents
Familiarity, Acquaintance, Friendship>= 0.7Extremely strong(i) Strong instrumental and medium or strong expressive exchange 
(ii) High level of trust 
(iii) Expectation of reciprocation, but not instant 
(iv) Extremely high reliability 
(v) Long-term and very frequent exchanges 
(vi) Strong enough to be a bridge to connect to other agents