Case Report

GlideScope and Frova Introducer for Difficult Airway Management

Figure 1

MRI Case  1: altered signal intensity with synovial effusion in interapophyseal joints C5-C6 and C4-C5, associated with extensive alteration of signal paravertebral soft tissues on the left paravertebral front and retropharyngeal from C1 to C7; there is also extensive alteration signal in correspondence with the epidural space anterior and lateral left from C3 to C6 and more evident in C4-C5 left side. Segmental stenosis of the spinal canal at C5-C6, with compression on the spinal cord and the abolition of the subarachnoid space perimedullary, is evident. The spinal cord has altered signal intensity level from C3 to C6. Framework compatible with the involvement of nature-infectious inflammatory type septic arthritis interapophyseal with paravertebral and epidural abscesses and myelopathy.