Case Report

Coronary Artery Fistulae Discovered during Presentation of a Patient Having Heart Failure due to Severe Aortic Stenosis

Figure 2

(a) Still-frame image of late filling of coronary angiogram to left system with selective engagment of the LAD showed LM fistula (black arrows) which join the fistuous vessel of the other coronary artery and then drainage to the right pulmonary artery (RPA). (b) Still-frame image of cornonary angiogram to left system with selective engagement of the LCX and LM fistula (black arrow) fistolous vessel fills from the LCX (red arrow). (c) Still-frame image of cornonary angiogram of the RCA shows the fistolous vessel fills from RCA. (d) The same injection with late filling shows the fistula drainge to RPA. LAD: left anterior descending. LCX: left cercumflex. LM: left main. RAC: right coronary artery. RPA:right pulmonary artery.