Case Report

Leukemic Ischemia: A Case of Myocardial Infarction Secondary to Leukemic Cardiac Involvement

Figure 2

(a) Axial coronary computed tomography angiogram (CCTA), (b) echocardiogram, and (c) CMR with delayed myocardial enhancement images demonstrate marked asymmetric thickening of the lateral left ventricular wall (arrows). There is obliteration of left ventricular pericardial fat on CCTA. (d) Axial and (e) curviplanar reformatted CT images of the left circumflex artery (LCx) show abnormal soft tissue in the left atrioventricular groove (arrowheads) resulting in approximately 50% stenosis of the LCx immediately after the takeoff of the first obtuse marginal branch. (f) Bone marrow biopsy slide demonstrates replacement of normal hematopoietic elements by small lymphoblasts comprising approximately 50% of total cellularity, compatible with leukemia recurrence.