Case Report

Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Tongue with Metastasis to Myocardium: Report of a Case and Literature Review

Table 1

Comparison of characteristics between cases reported with oral squamous cell carcinoma with metastasis to the heart.

VariablesMartell et al. [5]Werbel et al. [6]Rivkin et al. [7]Schwender et al. [8]Onwuchekwa and Banchs [9] (patient 1)Onwuchekwa and Banchs [9] (patient 2)Hans et al. [10]Nagata et al. [11] (patient 1)Nagata et al. [11] (patient 2)Shimoyama et al. [12]Shafiq et al. (current study)

Age (y)6061577345365459697143
Primary cancerSCC of retromolar trigoneSCC of base of tongueSCC of base of tongueBuccal SCCSCC of tongueSCC of tongueSCC of base of tongueSCC of tongueSCC of left palateSCC of tongueSCC of tongue
At time of diagnosis of cardiac mass
 SymptomsDyspnea and edemaAnginaLower extremity edemaWeakness and dyspneaSyncopePalpitations and dyspneaDyspnea and hemoptysisFeverNoneUlceration of oral cavityIncidental
 ECG findingsAtrial fibrillationST depressions with T wave inversionsAtrial fibrillation and ST elevations V2-V6Atrial fibrillationNormal sinus rhythmST elevations anterolateral leadsRight bundle branch blockNormalRight bundle branch block and Q waveST elevations I, aVL, and V5-V6 and ST depressions II, III, and AvfST elevation anterior and lateral leads
 Echocardiographic findingsLarge mass in RVAnterior mediastinal mass compressing RV outflow tract plus mass in right atriumPericardial effusion and RV massPericardial effusion and echodense adherent lesions of anterior pericardiumLarge mass at base of RVLarge mass infiltrating anteroseptal LVPericardial effusion and hyperechogenic mass involving RVPericardial effusion and mass in left atriumPericardial effusion and right atrial massMultiple echodense masses in LVMass in LV apex
Cardiac MRIYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoYesNoYes
Pathology of cardiac massMetastatic, poorly differentiated SCCGrade I SCCModerately differentiated SCCMetastatic SCCBiopsy not doneBiopsy not doneBiopsy not doneSCCN/ASCCSCC
TreatmentPalliative radiation and chemotherapySurgical resection attempted but unsuccessfulPalliative chemotherapyDeveloped septic shock and diedPalliative radiation of brain metastasisPalliative treatmentPalliative treatmentSurgical resection of mass but died 3 weeks after surgeryRefused treatment and died 3 weeks laterPalliative radiation and chemotherapyPalliative chemotherapy

ECG: electrocardiogram; LV: left ventricular; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; RV: right ventricular; SCC: squamous cell carcinoma.