Case Report

Development of Asymmetric Facial Depigmentation in a Patient Treated with Dasatinib with New-Onset Hypovitaminosis D: Case Report and Review of the Literature

Table 1

Summary of cases reporting dasatinib-induced hypopigmentation.

Age (years)MalignancyDasatinib dose (mg)Time to onset of depigmentation (weeks)Time to repigmentation (weeks)Ref

52Metastatic hemangiopericytoma70 (twice daily)84–6[1]
29Chronic myelogenous leukemia70 (once daily)6–8N/A[4]
16Acute lymphoblastic leukemia100 (twice daily)4N/A[5]
27Chronic myelogenous leukemia100 (once daily)24N/A[6]
56Chronic myelogenous leukemia70 (once daily)88[7]