Case Report

A Rare Corticotroph-Secreting Tumor with Coexisting Prolactin and Growth Hormone Staining Cells

Table 2

Case reports of concomitant ACTH and GH/PRL secreting tumors described in the literature.

Author and yearAge/sexSize of adenomaDominant clinical presentationAcromegaly evaluationCushings evaluationPattern of stains

Arita et al. 1991 [1]29/F1.6 cmAcromegaly and Cushing'sGH 92 ng/mL
ACTH 94 pg/mLDiffuse GH stainings and focal ACTH staining in the tumor tissue
Blevins et al. 1992 [2]40/F1.3 cm Acromegaly and Cushing'sGH 22 ng/mL
Nonsuppression of GH with OGTT
UFC 731 nmol/d (66–298)
Nonsuppression of UFC with 2 mg Dexamethasone
Two discrete cell groups each staining diffusely for GH and ACTH, respectively
Apel et al. 1994 [3]76/F2.2 cmAcromegalyGH 13.7 ng/mL (<5)
IGF-1 464 ng/L (116–270)
ACTH 6.5 pmol/L (<22)
PRL 25.8 mcg/L (<17.9)
Two discrete areas of GH and ACTH staining
Kovacs et al. 1998 [4]62/M>1 cm**AcromegalyGH 13.7 ng/mL (<5)
IGF-1: 973 ng/L (48–275)
Not availableMajority of cells displayed variable positivity for GH, whereas the minority of adenoma cells were strongly stain for ACTH; occasional cells positive for PRL
Mazarakis et al. 2001 [5]53/M1.5 cmAcromegalyGH 17.5 ng/mL
IGF-1 934 ng/mL
ACTH 29 pg/mL (<52)
No hypercortisolism documented
Chromophobic tumor, immunoreactive for GH focally admixed with hyperplastic PAS positive, and ACTH immunoreactive cells showing the electron microscopic features characteristic of corticotrophs
Kageyama et al. 2002 [6]45/F1.2 cmAcromegalyGH 20.9 ng/mL (<3.1)
IGF-1 650 ng/mL (46–282)
ACTH 91 pg/mL (<60)
Urine-free cortisol 403 mcg/d (40–140)
LDST-Cortisol Nonsuppression
HDST-cortisol suppression
2 distinct types of tumor cells, with either diffuse but faint GH-positive cells or sparse but distinct ACTH-stained cells; few PRL positive cells detected as well
Tsuchiya et al. 2006 [7]54/M1.2 cmAcromegalyGH: 31.5 ng/mL (<0.6)
IGF-1: 493 ng/mL (106–398)
ACTH: 53 pg/mL (7–56)
UFC: 45.6 mcg/d (<80.3)
LDST-Cortisol Nonsuppression
HDST-cortisol suppression
Diffuse GH and PRL staining and focal ACTH staining in the tumor tissue
Oki et al. 2009 [8]36/M>1 cm**AcromegalyGH 6.33 ng/mL
IGF-1: 1361.3 ng/mL (67–318)
ACTH 91.7 pg/mL
LDST-Cortisol Nonsuppression
HDST-cortisol suppression
Tumor cells with diffuse strong GH stain and focal staining with ACTH and TSH

**Clear evidence of macroadenoma on the MRI images, size details not provided in the case reports.
Values in parenthesis indicate normal ranges.
UFC: urine-free cortisol.
LDST: low-dose dexamethasone test (0.5 or 1 mg).
HDST: high-dose dexamethasone test (8 mg).