Case Report

A Poor Prognostic Case of Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma of the Thyroid: A Case Report

Table 1

Patient information of poor prognostic thyroid MEC ( 𝑛 = 7 ).

Age/sex (citation)SurviveAccompanied tumorRecurrence Treatments

54/F [9]13 moPC
anaplastic ca.
lymph nodes
XRT + Chem
66/F [10]11 moPCNeckOperation
XRT + I + Chem
62/F [11]10 moPC
anaplastic ca.
Chem + I + XRT
57/M [12]4 wkAnaplastic lesion Chem
64/M [13]3 moPC tall cell variantNAOperation
83/F [13]5 moAnaplastic ca.NAOperation
52/M [14]2 moVariant type of PC XRT + Chem

mo: months, wk: weeks, NA: not applicable, XRT: X-ray therapy, Chem: chemotherapy, I: 131iodine.