Case Report

Paediatric Orbital Fractures: The Importance of Regular Thorough Eye Assessment and Appropriate Referral

Table 1

Ophthalmological examination.

Findings requiring urgent ophthalmological reviewHow to assess in the paediatric patient

Visual acuityReduced/loss of vision(i) Paediatric Snellen chart
(ii) Counting examiner’s displayed fingers
(iii) Detecting hand motion
(iv) Ask patient if they can see

Pupillary light response:
direct and consensual
Sluggish/loss of direct reflex
Sluggish/loss of consensual reflex
As in adults

Swinging light testPresence of rapid afferent pupillary defect/Marcus Gunn pupil in affected eyeAs in adults

Pupil size DilatationAs in adults

PainPain(i) Direct questioning

Pain on movement
(i) Use an object of interest
(ii) Ask patient about double vision and pain

ColourDesaturation/loss of red reflexNot possible in the very young
(i) Direct questioning
(ii) Matching of coloured objects

Position of globe Proptosis
As in adults