Case Report

Ulcerating Ileocolitis in Severe Amatoxin Poisoning

Figure 1

Biopsy of the ileum. (a) Biopsy of the ileum with acute ulcerating inflammation and fibrinoleukocytic exudate (). Enteric architecture is changed with only fragmented residual villi and loss of Paneth cells. Mucosal vessels are heavily dilated (→) (40x magnification). (b) The lamina propria is filled by a dense mixed inflammatory infiltrate. Some neutrophilic granulocytes invade the epithelium of the crypts (→). In the lower right corner of the picture a residual crypt with atrophic epithelium and intraluminal cell detritus can be seen (). The epithelial cells show regeneratory and reactive changes with enlargement of the nuclei and prominent nucleoli (200x magnification).