Case Report

Lanreotide Autogel in the Treatment of Persistent Diarrhea following a Total Colectomy

Table 1

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Quality of Life questionnaire score before and after the lanreotide Autogel treatment.

IBS-QoL questionBefore lanreotideAfter lanreotide

(Q1) I feel helpless because of my bowel problems.52
(Q2) I am embarrassed by the smell caused by my bowel problems.42
(Q3) I am bothered by how much time I spend on the toilet.52
(Q4) I feel vulnerable to other illnesses because of my bowel problems.32
(Q5) I feel fat/bloated because of my bowel problems.52
(Q6) I feel like I'm losing control of my life because of my bowel problems.52
(Q7) I feel my life is less enjoyable because of my bowel problems.52
(Q8) I feel uncomfortable when I talk about my bowel problems.53
(Q9) I feel depressed about my bowel problems.42
(Q10) I feel isolated from others because of my bowel problems.52
(Q11) I have to watch the amount of food I eat because of my bowel problems.43
(Q12) Because of my bowel problems, sexual activity is difficult for me.43
(Q13) I feel angry that I have bowel problems.42
(Q14) I feel like I irritate others because of my bowel problems.52
(Q15) I worry that my bowel problems will get worse.52
(Q16) I feel irritable because of my bowel problems.43
(Q17) I worry that people think I exaggerate my bowel problems.32
(Q18) I feel I get less done because of my bowel problems.42
(Q19) I have to avoid stressful situations because of my bowel problems.42
(Q20) My bowel problems reduce my sexual desire.32
(Q21) My bowel problems limit what I can wear.31
(Q22) I have to avoid strenuous activity because of my bowel problems.32
(Q23) I have to watch the kind of food I eat because of my bowel problems.33
(Q24) Because of my bowel problems I have difficulty being around people I do not know well.42
(Q25) I feel sluggish because of my bowel problems.42
(Q26) I feel unclean because of my bowel problems.43
(Q27) Long trips are difficult for me because of my bowel problems.43
(Q28) I feel frustrated that I cannot eat when I want because of my bowel problems.22
(Q29) It is important to be near a toilet because of my bowel problems.53
(Q30) My life revolves around my bowel problems.42
(Q31) I worry about losing control of my bowels.42
(Q32) I fear I won't be able to have a bowel movement.11
(Q33) My bowel problems are affecting my closest relationships.21
(Q34) I feel that no one understands my bowel problems.22

Mean score3.92.1

IBS-QoL, Irritable Bowel Syndrome Quality of Life.
Before lanreotide, score before lanreotide Autogel treatment.
After lanreotide, score after lanreotide Autogel treatment.
Q, question.