Case Report

Clinical Outcome of a Portosplenomesenteric Venous Thrombosis in Necrotizing Acute Pancreatitis with Protein C and S Deficiency Treated by Anticoagulation Therapy Alone

Figure 3

Abdominal contrast-enhanced CT scanner: control after three months on oral anticoagulation. (a) Partial recanalization of the portal venous thrombosis (A) and the superior mesenteric venous thrombosis (D), the portal cavernoma (B) and gastric collateral vessels (E), and thickening of the small intestinal bowel (C). (b) Superior mesenteric venous partial recanalization (D) and residual inflammatory flows (F). Light Speed CT-16 (GE Medical Systems, USA), contrast: iobitridol 300 mg/mL (Xenetix, Guerbet, Roissy CDG Cedex, France). With the permission of the Cathedral Medical Center (CMC), Yaoundé.