Case Report

Sequential Use of Second-Generation Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Treatment and Intensive Chemotherapy Induced Long-Term Complete Molecular Response in Imatinib-Resistant CML Patient Presenting as a Myeloid Blast Crisis

Table 1

Laboratory data on admission.

CBCChemistryBone marrow

WBC113,500/μlLDH2,162 U/lNCC1,30,000/μl
Blasts83.0%AST74 U/lMegakaryocytes0.0/μl
Promyelocytes1.0%ALT444 U/lM/E11.40
Myelocytes2.0%ALP250 U/lBlasts83.8%
Metamyelocytes2.0%T-Bil0.59 mg/dlPromyelocytes1.0%
Stabs0.0%T-Pro6.0 g/dlMyelocytes1.0%
Segmented2.0%Na139 mEq/lMetamyelocytes0.6%
Eosinophils0.0%K4.3 mEq/lSlabs1.4%
Basophils0.0%Cl107 mEq/lSegmented1.0%
Monocytes32.0%BUN17.9 mg/dlEosinophils0.0%
Lymphocytes7.0%Creatinine1.18 mg/dlBasophils0.0%
Reticulocytes5.5%CRP1.2 mg/dlMonocytes1.2%
RBC289 × 104/μlLymphocytes2.0%
Hemoglobin8.8 g/dlG-banding46,XY,t(9;22)(q34;q11.2)
PLT2.1 × 104/μlMajor bcr/abl mRNA1.0 × 105 copies/μg RNA

CBC: complete blood cell count, WBC: white blood cells, RBC: red blood cells, PLT: platelets, LDH: lactate dehydrogenase, AST: alanine aminotransferase, ALT: aspartate aminotransferase, ALP: alkaline phosphatase, T-Bil: total bilirubin, T-Pro: total protein, BUN: blood urea nitrogen, CRP: C-reactive protein, NCC: nuclear cell count, and M/E: myeloid to erythroid ratio.