Case Report

EBV-Negative Monomorphic B-Cell Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder with Marked Morphologic Pleomorphism and Pathogenic Mutations in ASXL1, BCOR, CDKN2A, NF1, and TP53

Figure 2

Immunophenotypic findings of the small bowel tumor. The tumor cells are immunoreactive for (a) CD20, (b) PAX5, (c) MUM1, and (d) BCL6 (major subset). The tumor cells are negative for (e) CD10, (f) CD30, (g) CD15, and (h) EBER. (i) Staining for BCL2 and (j) cMYC shows only occasional positive cells. (k) Ki67 staining reveals that high proliferation index is approximately 70%. (l) The staining for p53 was strongly positive.