Case Report

Transformation of a Cutaneous Follicle Center Lymphoma to a Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma—An Unusual Presentation

Figure 6

IgH clonality profiles from the PCFCL skin biopsy (2006) and the DLBCL gastric biopsy (2009). GeneScan results obtained using the BIOMED2: (a) FR1 and FR3 and (b) FR2 V H - J H tubes (peaks in blue: patient and control DNA, peaks in red: TAMRA molecular weight marker). The same 328 base pair and 258 base pair monoclonal product is detected in both the skin and gastric biopsies, after FR1 (a) and FR2 (b) PCR amplification, respectively. No PCR product was detected after FR3 amplification (a) probably due to somatic hypermutation.