Case Report

Favorable Outcome of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome under Dexamethasone

Table 1

Time course of the development and resolution of symptoms and signs and duration of treatment.

Time course Symptoms/signsDrug treatment

Day 1 Pain of left pinnaNone
Day 3Sore/reddish pinna, chondritis diagnosed
Exposure to a ventilator for >1ā€‰h
Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid
Day 4 (onset)Left peripheral facial palsyDexamethasone, acyclovir
Day 7Improvement of lid closure, pinna rash ā†“ Dexamethasone, acyclovir
Day 10Complete lid closure, neuralgia left earDexamethasone, acyclovir, gabapentine
Day 11Complete lid closureDexamethasone, acyclovir stopped
Day 12Complete lid closureStarting valacyclovir
Day 15Slight voluntary contraction of forehead and left mouth cornerValacyclovir
Day 18Further improvement of the palsy Valacyclovir stopped
Day 47Palsy visible only with mimic contractionNone
Day 85Complete recoveryNone