Case Report

Endobronchial Lipomatous Hamartoma: An Incidental Finding in a Patient with Atrial Fibrillation—A Case Report

Figure 1

(a) On p.a. chest X-ray a prominent right hilum and a subtle increase in parenchymal density in the right infrahilar region was noted, a mass could not be clearly identified, however. (b) A noncontrast-enhanced CT scan of the chest revealed a mass within the bronchus intermedius (arrow) consisting mostly of fat with minimal inclusions of soft tissue density (Ao: Aorta ascendens; PT: pulmonary trunk; LA: left atrium). (c) Coronal slide in inverted thin-volume-rendering-technique of a contrast-enhanced CT scan performed for further workup demonstrated position and extent of the mass within the bronchus intermedius. (d) Virtual-bronchoscopy reconstruction from the nonenhanced CT scan displayed the mass within the proximal bronchus intermedius. The adjacent upper lobe bronchus was not affected. (e) Endobronchial round tumorous obstruction of the intermediate bronchus with a smooth surface with subtotal obstruction of the intermediate bronchus. (f) Recurent subtotal exclusion of the intermediate bronchus in the course of the disease and repetition of Argon laser therapy. (g) Incipient focal metaplasia of respiratory mucosa into squamous epithelium.