Case Report

Agomelatine Efficacy in the Night Eating Syndrome

Table 1

The effect of Agomelatine on a NES patient.

Age: 39 years old
Sex: female
Before Agomelatine treatmentAfter Agomelatine treatment (3 months)

HAM-D score209
NEQ score3825
Number of awakenings with food intake average per night42
Weight Kg70 64.5
BMI Kg/m22826
Snoring time at polysomnography28 minutes (5.4% of total sleep)21 minutes (4.4% of total sleep)
Time moves at polysomnography25 minutes (4.9% total sleep)15.2 minutes (3% total sleep)
Glucose mg/dL118 93
Cholesterol mg/dL254 225
HDL cholesterol mg/dL45 48
Triglycerides mg/dL186 132