Case Report

Primary Fallopian Tube Carcinoma Arising in the Setting of Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Figure 2

(a) is the macroscopic image of the left fallopian tube which shows a cross section of sausage-like white fleshy mass within what appears to be part of the tube. The remainder of the tube is destroyed and cystic. (b) shows the right tube and uterus. The right tube is somewhat similar to the left and shows 2 tumour masses. The uterus with simple leiomyomas is also shown. (c) is a panel that is a low power view of the left tube with a papillary carcinoma (Haematoxylin and Eosin stained section, original magnification of ×10) and (d) is high power view of the right tube with a serous carcinoma, displaying a micropapillary growth pattern with occasional psammoma bodies (Haematoxylin and Eosin stained section, original magnification of ×40). (e) shows a higher power view of the left tubal tumour (right side) and high grade dysplasia in lining epithelium on the left side (Haematoxylin and Eosin stained section, original magnification of ×60) and (f) shows high grade dysplastic epithelium in the right tube (Haematoxylin and Eosin stained section, original magnification of ×60).