Case Report

Cerebellar Cognitive Affective Syndrome Presented as Severe Borderline Personality Disorder

Table 1

Neuropsychological assessment.

TestPatientNormative DataDeviations

WMS-R Verbal memory7 /
WMS-R Visual memory3 −2.00 SD
WMS-R Attention/Concentration Index52>70 sec.<10 Pr
TMT-A82<45 sec.<10 Pr
TMT-B197<98 sec.<10 Pr
RAVLT 26 −4.44 SD
RAVLT 2 −6.00 SD
RAVLT 12 −3.00 SD
Phonemic fluency tests for divergent thinkingS/8, K/11, L/7Min. 8/
Categorical fluency tests for divergent thinking11 −2.15 SD
RCF C27 −5.40 SD
RCF 40′4.0 −2.67 SD
HVOT21.5/56–6041–55Low possibility of impairment
WCST CA 0 −5.60 SD
WCST PR30 +1.86 SD
BNT50 −2.04 SD
BDAE auditory comprehension11 −0.18 SD
BDAE total sentence repetitionLP 7/8 −1.17 SD
Ideomotor praxia8/87/8
Spatial aspects of praxia10/108/10
Dynamic praxiaD 88–10Left side impairment
L 5 (3 errors)
Tactile gnosiaD 3/32/3
L 3/3
GraphesthesiaD 1/54/5Right side impairment
L 5/5
 VIQ84 −1.05 SD
 PIQ73 −1.80 SD
 FSIQ80 −1.26 SD

Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised (WMS-R); Trail Making Test A and B (TMT-A and -B); Rey Auditive Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT): RAVLT : total number of repeated words in five attempts in the RAVLT, RAVLT : number of repeated words after 30 min (evocation) in the RAVLT and RAVLT : number of correctly recognized words; (recognition) in the RAVLT; Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (RCF): RCF C: copying of the RCF and RCF 40′: 40-minute delayed recall trial; Hooper Visual Organization Test (HVOT); Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST): WCST CA: categories achieved in the WCST, WCST PR: perseverative responses in the WCST and WCST FMS: failures to maintain set in the WCST; Boston Naming Test (BNT); Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Battery (BDAE); Serbian version of Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)—“Vekslerov Individualni Test Inteligencije” (VITI): verbal IQ (VIQ), performance IQ (PIQ) and full scale IQ (FSIQ).