Case Report

Bilateral Ganglion Cysts of the Ligamentum Flavum in the Cervical Spine Causing a Progressive Cervical Radiculomyelopathy and Literature Review

Table 1

Summary of the reported cases of ganglion cysts of the ligamentum flavum in the cervical spine.

Author/yearNumber of casesAge/sexPresenting symptom/signsLocationDiagnostic modalityTreatmentPrognosis follow-up period Associated condition

Takano et al., 1992172/mSpastic paraparesis, 1 yr
bilat. C6 paresthesia
C3/4, ltMRI, OR, histology
connection (−)
C3–6 laminectomyRapid recovery unknown F-U
Yamamoto et al., 2001281/mProgr. paraparesis, 1 mo
neck pain, bilat. arm leg paresthesia
C3/4, ltMRI, OR, histology
connection (−)
Laminectomy C3–7 laminoplastyImproved, 2 mos
65/mSpastic quadriparesis
rt arm pain
C3/4, rtMRI, M-CT connection (−)Laminectomy C3–7 laminoplasty Improved, 2 mos
Shima et al., 2002166/mParaparesis and numbnessC7/T1, rtMRI, OR, histology
connection (−)
Laminoplasty C3–6Complete recovery, 9 mos
Chenng et al., 2006158/mSudden Brown-Sequard synd.
lt-sided hemiparesis
rt-sided hemianalgesia below T4
C6/7, ltMRI, OR, histology
connection (+)
Laminectomy C6-7Complete recovery, 4 mosCRF
Yahara et al., 2009163/fMyelopathy below C5,
bilat. hand paresthesia
C4/5, ltMRI, OR, histology
connection (−)
Laminectomy C4/5 instrumentation, fusionComplete recovery, 1 yrRA 15 yrs
C4/5 instability
Muzii et al., 2010160/mProgr. paraparesis, 1 yr
ataxia, hyperreflexia
MRI, OR, histology
connection (−)
C4/5 laminectomyComplete recovery, 1 yr mild spastic gait
Brotis et al., 2012182/fProgr. quadriparesis, 3 mos
bilat. arm paresthesia, neck pain
C3/4, ltMRI, OR, histology
connection (−)
Laminectomy C3Complete recovery, 6 mosHBP, DM hypothyroidism
Current case, 2017166/mParaparesis, 3-week
bilat. T1 paresthesia, pain
C7/T1, bilat.MRI, OR, histology
connection (−)
Laminectomy C7Complete recovery, 12 mosC7/T1 subluxation

Bilat.: bilateral, CRF: chronic renal failure, DM: diabetes mellitus, HBP: hypertension, lt: left, mos: months, OR: operation, progr.: progressive, RA: rheumatoid arthritis, and rt: right. Connection (−)/(+); presence/absence of communication to the facet joint.