Case Report

Differential Effects of Awake Glioma Surgery in “Critical” Language Areas on Cognition: 4 Case Studies

Table 2

Neuropsychological assessment.

Cognitive abilities and description of task

Language tests
AAT [17]
 RepetitionRepeating phonemes, words, and sentences
 Writing to dictationWriting words and sentences on dictation
 Reading out loudReading aloud words and sentences
 Token TestComprehension of, pointing to, and manipulating geometric forms
Boston Naming Test [18]Naming 60 pictures, presented in order of word frequency and word difficulty
Category fluencyFlexibility of verbal semantic thought: categories (e.g., animals) (within 1 min)
Letter fluencyFlexibility of verbal phonological thought: letters D, A, and T (within 1 min)
DuLIP [16]
 Syntactic fluencyFlexibility of verbal grammatical thought, producing verbs (within 1 min)
 Object naming1Word finding: naming objects
 Action namingWord finding, grammar: naming actions
Memory tests
Digit span for/backward [19]Verbal learning of digits: repeating the list of digits forward/backward
15-word test [19]Verbal learning of words
 LearningImmediate recall: learning a list of 15 words, immediate recall for 5 times
 RecallDelayed recall: learning a list of 15 words, 1 delayed recall
 RecognitionDelayed recognition: 1 delayed recognition out of 30 words
Attentional & executive tests
Trail Making Test (TMT) [19]
 Trail Making Test AVisuomotor speed, attention: connecting numbers in ascending order
 Trail Making Test BDivided attention/mental flexibility: connecting alternating numbers and letters
Stroop Color Word Test [19]
 Stroop IMental speed, selective attention: reading color words
 Stroop IIMental speed, selective attention: naming colors
 Stroop IIIMental speed, selective attention: naming colors of printed words denoting another color
Design fluency [20]Nonverbal fluency, attention, motor speed, visuoperceptual and constructional abilities

Flanders: object naming from DuLIP, the Netherlands: Boston Naming Test.