Case Report

Uncommon Association of Two Anatomical Variants of Cerebral Circulation: A Fetal-Type Posterior Cerebral Artery and Inferred Artery of Percheron, Complicated with Paramedian Thalamomesencephalic Stroke—Case Presentation and Literature Review

Table 2

Variable branching patterns and origin of the TPAs, emerged unilaterally or bilaterally from the P1 arterial segment.

Type I (Park 38.5%)

TPAs bilaterally, multipleTPAs bilaterally, multiple

Type II (Park 26.9%)

TPA unilateral, singleTPAs contralateral, multiple

Type III (Park 19.2%; Percheron 40%)

TPA singleTPA single

Type IV (variant IIb, AOP)
(Park 11.5%; Percheron 33%)
Contralateral P1 segment: present/
absent (full FPCA) / hypoplastic

TPA arises unilaterally (from one P1,
as a single unpaired trunk, AOP)

Type V (variant IIa)
(Park 3.8%; Percheron 7%)
Contralateral P1 segment: present/
absent (full FPCA)/hypoplastic

TPAs arise unilaterally (from one P1,
as multiple branches)

Percheron’s  variant III (C): an arterial arcade is bridging P1 segments of both PCAs; the perforating branches arise from this arterial shunt.

TPAs, thalamoperforating arteries. P1, proximal arterial segment of the PCA (from the top of the basilar artery, to the PCoA). IIa and IIb, arterial variants of vascularization of the thalamus and midbrain described by Percheron. In brackets Park’s [13] and Percheron’s [7, 8] data are mentioned, respectively.