Case Report

Laparoscopic Treatment of Intrauterine Fallopian Tube Incarceration

Figure 1

(a) Transvaginal ultrasound showing a hypoechoic structure (blue arrows) within the uterus (U). (b) Pelvic MRI demonstrating a herniation (blue arrow) of the right hydrosalpinx (H) through the uterine wall (U) going up to the endometrial cavity (EC). Both the right (RO) and the left (LO) ovaries were normal. (c) Laparoscopic visualization of the pelvic cavity: the hydrosalpinx (H) is incarcerated (blue arrow) in the uterus (U), and the right ovary (RO) is normal. (d) Final aspect of the procedure: uterus (U), left ovary (LO), and right ovary (RO).