Case Report

Brugada Syndrome and Pregnancy: Highlights on Antenatal and Prenatal Management

Table 1

Analgesic/anesthetic agent forbidden in Brugada patient (mod, 14).

Generic nameClinical use/classReferencesRecommendation

BupivacaineAnalgesic agent/anestheticDe La Coussave 1992 [16], Berman 1994 [17], Phillips 2003 [18], Vernogy 2006 [19], Bramall et al. 2011 [10]IIa

Procaine Analgesic agentArumugam 2012 [20]IIa

Propofol Anestehtic agentSaint 1998 [21], Inamura 2006 [22], Vernogy 2006 [19], Robinson 2008 [23]IIb

Leg: Class IIa: There is conflicting evidence and/or divergence of opinion about the drug, but the weight of evidence/opinion is in favor of a potentially arrhythmic effect in Brugada syndrome patients.
Class IIb: There is conflicting evidence and/or divergence of opinion about the drug, and the potential arrhythmic effect in Brugada syndrome patients is less well established by evidence/opinion.