Case Report

Metastatic Basal Cell Carcinoma Accompanying Gorlin Syndrome

Figure 2

Coronal T2-weighed MR imaging: (a) a lobular hypodense mass caused destruction and expansion at frontal sinus like a mucosel or keratocyst (arrow mark). Cystic mass at left orbital wall and mandibular corpus (arrow marked). (b) Dens odontogenic keratocysts at right mandibular corpus (arrow mark). (c), (d) Multiple cystic lesions with different size and dens at left ethmoidal sinuses (marked arrow). (e) A round, dense cystic lesion with expansil regular contour was observed in the right mandibular ramus. (f) A soft tissue mass with heterogeneous and irregular contour, which contained cystic-necrotic areas starting from left auricula, extended to external ear tract (arrow mark).