Case Report

Metastatic Ovarian Serous Adenocarcinoma Clinically Presenting as Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Figure 5

Hematoxylin and eosin stains (H&E) and immunohistochemical analyses of the ovarian serous adenocarcinoma presenting as inflammatory breast cancer. (A) Low-power H&E stain of the left breast, including skin and underlying connective tissue. (B) High-power H&E stain of the left breast dermis showing scattered pleomorphic malignant cells. (C) Very high-power H&E stain of the left breast showing a focus of lymphovascular invasion (arrow). (D) The AE1/AE3 cytokeratin satin reveals infiltrating carcinoma cells within the left breast. PAX8 and GATA-3 immunostains of the left breast showing strong PAX8 nuclear immunoreactivity (E) and GATA-3 nuclear immunonegativity (F), consistent with an ovarian primary. (G–I) The metastatic ovarian tumor cells were also immunonegative for HER2/neu, ER, and PR, also consistent with an ovarian primary (red arrows).