Case Report

Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Ocular Infection after Corneal Cross-Linking for Keratoconus: Potential Association with Atopic Dermatitis

Figure 1

(a) Five days after CXL, slit-lamp examination revealed the presence of an annular corneal abscess, spared and scattered miliary infiltrates, and diffuse corneal edema with a strong inflammatory reaction in the ciliary body. The anterior chamber was not appreciable in detail. (b) Ultrasound B-scan showing vitreous reaction on postoperative day 7. (c) Slit-lamp image showing vascularized corneal pannus, with the presence of a dense leucoma in the center of the cornea. (d) Ultrastructural B-scan (UBM) evaluation showing the anteriorization of iris and lens planes, with the presence of angular synechiae and the absence of anterior chamber (2nd month after CXL).