Case Report

Posterolateral Corner Reconstruction Alone Using a Fibular-Based Technique in a Patient with Persistent Unstable Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty

Figure 1

Intraoperative pictures demonstrating the surgical technique. (a) Minimum 7 cm distance between the anterior skin incision (from previous surgical procedures) and the new incision for the posterolateral corner injury. (b) The tibialis anterior allograft has been passed through the proximal fibula, and a Beath pin has been placed in the desired location for the femoral attachment (pointed by the Metzenbaum scissors). (c) Final appearance of the allograft fixed with the screw in the lateral aspect of the distal femur. (d) Medial view of the knee demonstrating the passage of the 2 Beath pins through the femoral socket to create two independent tunnels. The pins are used to pass a suture in each one to create the additional aperture fixation in the medial side.