Case Report

Concurrent Human Papillomavirus-Positive Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oropharynx in a Married Couple

Table 1

Published cases of synchronous presentation of human papillomavirus-positive oropharynx squamous cell carcinoma among couples.

Haddad et al. [1]Andrews et al. [8], Couple #1Andrews et al. [8], Couple #2This study

Partner 1SexFemaleFemale FemaleFemale
Smoking historyHad 25 yr smoking history and quit 10 yrs agoNoneNoneCurrent smoker of 25 yrs
Alcohol useNoneNoneNoneOccasional
Primary lesionRight tonsilRight tonsilLeft tonsilRight tonsil
TNM classificationT1 N1 M0T1 N2b M0T2 N1 M0T4b N2c M0
TreatmentNot reportedChemoradiationLeft neck dissection and postoperative radiationChemoradiation

Partner 2SexMaleMaleMaleMale
Age 75565760
Smoking historyHad 12 yr smoking history and quit 25 yrs agoHad minimal smoking history and quit 38 yrs agoNoneNone
Alcohol useDrank heavily in past and quit 25 yrs agoNoneNoneOccasional
Primary lesionLocation unknownRight tonsilRight tonsilLeft base of tongue
TNM classificationTX N2a M0T1 N2a M0T2 N2b M0T2 N2c M0
p16Not reportedp16+p16+p16+
TreatmentNot reportedChemoradiation and neck dissectionChemoradiationTransoral robotic tongue base resection, bilateral neck dissection, and chemoradiation

SCC: squamous cell carcinoma; HPV: human papillomavirus.