Case Report

Pulmonary and Meningeal Cryptococcosis after Corticosteroid Therapy for Autoimmune Hepatitis: Coexistence of Cryptococci within Pulmonary Cancer Nodule

Figure 1

Pulmonary cryptococcosis. (a) Pulmonary nodule 1.2 × 1.0 cm in diameter is composed of keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma with necrosis (HE, ×20). (b) Yeast-like fungal bodies are scattered within and around the nests of squamous cell carcinoma cells (Grocott, ×20). (c) Well-developed Cryptococcus neoformans is seen within the area of tumor necrosis (HE, ×400). (d) Thick mucinous capsule is seen around the fungal body (same area as 1c; Alcian blue, ×400). (e) Multinucleated histiocytic cells with phagocytosed yeasts are haphazardly scattered within and around the nests of squamous cell carcinoma cells (PAS, ×400).