Case Report

Glomangioma of the Kidney: A Rare Case of Glomus Tumor and Review of the Literature

Figure 2

(a) Low-power view of multilobular growth pattern with lobules containing markedly expanded vascular spaces; the lobules are separated by fibrous bands (H&E; ×40). (b) Well-demarcated but uncapsulated tumor demonstrating large gaping vascular spaces surrounded by clusters of glomus cells (H&E; ×100). (c) Tumor cells exhibiting nodular growth pattern, no necrosis seen (H&E; ×100). (d) Sheets and nests of bland cells with oval nuclei with stromal hyalinization (H&E; ×200). (e) Focal areas adjacent to the vascular spaces show solid glomus tumor, consisting of nodules of bland small round to oval monotonous cells with low mitosis (H&E; ×100). (f) Round to ovoid glomus cells with hypercellularity and distinct cell borders, each containing a single centralized, uniform, round, small “punched out” nucleus (H&E; ×400). (g) Glomus tumor forming trabeculae in abundant myxoid areas (H&E; ×200). (h) Small, round, uniform, and with pale eosinophilic to amphophilic cytoplasm (H&E; ×400).