Case Report

A Composite Renal Tumor with Dual Differentiation, Chromophobe and Collecting Duct Carcinoma

Figure 4

(a)-(d) Two different areas of tumor retrieved from the paraffin embedded sample and processed for EM: (a) Low magnification image depicting overall ultrastructural features of the peripheral tumor cells. These cells are round-ovoid and have a central nucleus, mitochondria and cytoplasmic microvesicles. (b) Higher magnification shows plasma membrane border separating two tumor cells (arrowheads), nucleus (n), abundant mitochondria (m), dense cytoplasmic vesicles (arrows), and patches of rough endoplasmic reticulum (rer). (c) Low magnification image of high grade tubulocystic tumor cells. The cells are epithelioid and have large, irregularly shaped nuclei. (d) Higher magnification shows cytoplasm with mitochondria (m), patches of rough endoplasmic reticulum (rer), irregularly shaped nucleus (n), microvillus studded apical plasma membrane (arrowheads), and junctional complex between the adjacent tumor cells (arrows).