Case Report

Cerebellar Medulloblastoma in Middle-to-Late Adulthood

Table 1

Cases of Medulloblastoma in patients above the age of 50.


(1)Cervoni71R cerebellar hemisphereNot specified
(2)Cervoni67L cerebellar hemisphereNot specified
(3)Jaiswal65VermisMedulloblastoma with glial differentiation
(4)Huppmann65R cerebellar hemisphereClassic subtype
(5)Yong714th ventricleClassic subtype
(6)Kepes73R cerebellar hemisphereClassic subtype
(7)Ramsay66Cerebellar hemisphereClassic subtype
(8)Ramsay65Cerebellar hemisphereDesmoplastic subtype
(9)Liang72R cerebellar hemisphereClassic subtype
(10)Sajko62R superior cerebellar peduncleDesmoplastic subtype
(11) Aljoghaiman (current case)51R middle cerebellar peduncle + superior vermisClassic subtype (SHH subgroup)