Case Report

Coexistence of Cervical Leiomyosarcoma and Gastric-Type Adenocarcinoma In Situ with Extensive Extension to the Endometrium and Fallopian Tube

Table 4

Cases of gastric type AIS with intraepithelial spreading to the endometrium: a summarizing review of the references.

CaseReferenceAgeLocation of AISForm of AIS typeHistological subtype of epithelial lesionsOther findings

(1)Karen et al. 61Proximal to TZ, lower uterine segment, and endometriumMixed gastric and intestinal typeNoneNone
(2)73TZ, lower uterine segment, and endometriumMixed gastric and intestinal typeSGMNone
(3)52TZ and lower uterine segmentPurely gastric typeTC, LEGHNone

(4)Our case66Whole cervix, endometrium, and focally left tubeMixed gastric and intestinal typeSMG, SMILECervical leiomyosarcoma