Case Report

Bilateral Neurofibromas of the Nipple-Areolar Complex: A Case Report and Approach to Diagnosis

Figure 1

Macroscopic and microscopic appearances of the nipple neurofibroma. (a) Gross appearance of the largest lesion showing a pedunculated polypoid mass. (b) Overall H&E view showing a polypoid lesion covered by unremarkable squamous epithelium. (c) Low power H&E section showing bland spindle shaped cells interspersed with smooth muscle bundles of the nipple. (d) High power H&E section showing moderately cellular bland spindle cells extending close to a large mammary duct. There is no cytological atypia or mitoses. The adjacent mammary duct is benign and lined by inner luminal and outer myoepithelial cells. The lesional spindle cells show immunoreactivity for desmin (e), neurofilament (f), and S100 (g and h).