Case Report

Improvement in Impaired Social Cognition but Not Seizures by Everolimus in a Child with Tuberous Sclerosis-Associated Autism through Increased Serum Antioxidant Proteins and Oxidant/Antioxidant Status

Table 2

Changes of ADI-R, ADOS, ABC, and SRS total scores between baseline and 24 weeks after everolimus treatment.

VariableBaseline24 weeks% decrease

ADI-R total
 ADI-R social interaction domain211433.3
 ADI-R communication domain191047.4
 ADI-R restricted/repetitive behavior domain30100.0

ADI-R: Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised; ADOS: Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule; ABC: Aberrant Behavior Checklist; SRS: Social Responsiveness Scale; SCQ: Social Communication Questionnaire. % decrease = scores at 24 weeks − the baseline scores/baseline scores × 100.