Case Report

Prepubertal Female Bartholin’s Gland Abscess: A Comprehensive Case Report Study

Table 1


Timeline eventDescription

PresentationFull-term female infant, 4 months old, presents with labial swelling persisting for five days
Physical examinationTender, soft, fluctuant, erythematous swelling measuring approximately 2 cm × 1.5 cm in the lower half of the left labia minora, with deep lateral extension between labia majora and minora
Diagnostic assessmentCulture of purulent discharge: growth of Escherichia coli and Gram-negative Klebsiella pneumoniae. Antibiotic susceptibility testing indicates sensitivity to specific antibiotics.
Therapeutic interventionInitiation of a seven-day course of oral antibiotics and sitz baths. Continued close surveillance under pediatric surgeon’s guidance due to limited therapeutic response.
Surgical interventionAfter two months, surgical removal of the Bartholin gland was performed, involving excision of the cyst wall
Histological analysisSignificant granulation tissue formation and areas of ulceration were observed, indicating a mixed inflammatory response
Follow-up and outcomesEight months of postoperative monitoring shows marked improvement with no recurrence or complications, leading to a favourable outcome