Case Report

Rehabilitation of Executive Functions in a Real-Life Setting: Goal Management Training Applied to a Person with Schizophrenia

Table 4

G. O.’s results on the meal preparation, washing, and meeting preparation tasks.

Meal preparationWashingMeeting preparation
PrePostPrePostPre Post

Total number of errors 442814719 5
Macrostep errors21/// /
Microstep errors10/// /
Omissions10 3 745 3
Additions10 14104 0
Inversion substitutions22135 1
Estimation errors5 1000 0
Commentary questions17 29 12128 19
Control errors (CEs)33//2 1
Context neglect (CN)1538711 3
Environmental adherence (EA)20/// /
Purposeless actions (PA)714101 0
Dependency (D)145505 1
Duration of task (min.)8089201814 18
Time of latency before starting (sec.)1054010052 70
Number of actions112103425776 108
Frequency of recipe consultation 1813/// /
Frequency of instructions consultation//012 5
Frequency of advices/rules consultation //797 8
Frequency of list consultation////15 9
Cueing score 2141113/ /
Score of dependency (cueing score + D) 3591613/ /