Case Report

Isolated Central Sulcus Hemorrhage: A Rare Presentation Most Frequently Associated with Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy

Table 2

Imaging presentations of cerebral amyloidosis [912].

(i) Intracranial hemorrhage:
 (a) Acute and chronic cortical, subcortical, and rarely intraventricular
 (b) Spares the deep white matter, thalamus, and basal ganglia
 (c) Central sulcus hemorrhage
 (d) Characteristically multiple, bilateral, peripheral, and lobulated hemorrhages with coexisting old hemorrhages support the diagnosis
(ii) Leukoencephalopathy
(iii) Atrophy and cerebral volume loss
(iv) Vascular luminal narrowing and ischemia
(v) Amyloidoma simulating a mass