Case Report

Role of Imaging in the Diagnosis and Management of Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome in Adults

Table 2

Differential diagnosis for complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS). Adapted from Gottlieb et al. [6].

TypeExternal genitalia “synonyms”Findings

CAISFemale (“testicular feminization”)XY karyotype
Absence of Mullerian structures
Abdominal or inguinal testes
Female external genitalia
Breast development
Blind-ended vagina
Scant or absent pubic and/or axillary hair

Predominantly female (“incomplete AIS”)XY karyotype
Absence of Mullerian structures
Breast development
Clitoromegaly and labial fusion
Distinct urethral and vaginal openings or a urogenital sinus
PAISAmbiguousXY karyotype
Absence of Mullerian structures
Microphallus (<1 cm) with clitoris-like underdeveloped glans; labia majora-like bifid scrotum
Descended or undescended testes
Perineoscrotal hypospadias or urogenital sinus
Gynecomastia/development of breast
Predominantly maleXY karyotype
Absence of Mullerian structures
Simple (glandular or penile) or severe (perineal) “isolated” hypospadias with a normal-sized penis and descended testes or severe hypospadias with micropenis, bifid scrotum, and either descended or undescended testes
Gynecomastia in puberty

MAISMale (“undervirilized male syndrome”)XY karyotype
Absence of Mullerian structures
Impaired spermatogenesis and/or impaired pubertal virilization
Gynecomastia in puberty

MRKHFemaleXX karyotype
Absence of uterus and upper vagina
Presence of female external genitalia and ovaries
Normal breast development