Case Report

An Uncommon Case of Bilateral Breast Enlargement Diagnosed as Tumoral Pseudoangiomatous Stromal Hyperplasia: Imaging and Pathological Findings

Figure 3

Magnetic resonance imaging findings. Right (a-b) and left (c-d) sagittal noncontrast fat suppressed T2-weighted image (T2W-FATSAT) showing extreme fibroglandular tissue and multifocal well-circumscribed masses, with internal linear reticular strands. Axial noncontrast fat suppressed T2-weighted image (T2W-FATSAT) (e) and axial contrast fat suppressed T1-weighted dynamic sequence after 6 minutes (T1WFATSAT+G) (f) demonstrating bilateral breast enlargement, with multiple circumscribed masses that present heterogeneous and persistent enhancement. Areas of nonmass enhancement with diffuse distribution also are observed in the inner and external quadrants of both breasts.