Case Report

Mandibular Osteitis Leading to the Diagnosis of SAPHO Syndrome

Table 1

Diagnostic criteria for SAPHO syndrome [11, 12].

Inclusion criteria

(i) Bone and/or joint involvement associated with palmoplantar pustulosis and psoriasis vulgaris, or hidradenitis suppurativa
(ii) Bone and/or joint involvement associated with severe acne
(iii) Isolated sterile hyperostosis/osteitis (adults
(iv) Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (children)
(v) Bone and/or joint involvement associated with chronic bowel diseases

Exclusion criteria

(i) Infectious osteitis
(ii) Tumoral conditions of the bone
(iii) Noninflammatory condensing lesions of the bone

the exception of Propionibacterium acnes.