Case Report

Gouty Panniculitis with Ulcerations in a Patient with Multiple Organ Dysfunctions

Figure 1

Skin and subcutaneous lesion. (a) Ulcer and erythematous nodule in right groin area, 1 to 1.5 cm; (b) negative birefringence of urate crystal on fresh tissue touch imprint slide (400x); (c) and (d) subcutaneous lesion: low power picture shows subcutaneous tissue erosion with pools of pale staining or slightly eosinophilic amorphous/feathery material surrounded by collagen fibers and chronic inflammatory cells (c, 40x); high power picture shows feathery eosinophilic crystalline material converging in the center and surrounded by palisading histiocytes and multinucleated giant cells (d, 200x).