Case Report

Cellular Transplantation Alters the Disease Progression in Becker’s Muscular Dystrophy

Table 1

Modified medical research council manual muscle testing scale. Florence et al, 1992 [12].

mMRC-MMT scale gradesDescription

0No Movement
1A flicker of movement is seen or felt in the muscle
2Muscle moves the joint when gravity is eliminated
3−Muscle moves the joint against gravity but not through full mechanical range of motion
3Muscle cannot hold the joint against resistance but moved the joint fully against gravity
3+Muscle moves the joint fully against gravity and is capable of transient resistance but collapses abruptly
4−The same as grade 4, but muscle holds the joint only against minimal resistance
4Muscle holds the joint against a combination of gravity and moderate resistance
4+The same as grade 4, but muscle holds the joints against moderate to maximal resistance
5−Barely detectable weakness
5Normal strength