Case Report

Isolated Aspergillosis Myocardial Abscesses in a Liver-Transplant Patient

Figure 1

Cardiac MRI performed 6 months after diagnosis and autopsy study. (a) T1-weighted postgadolinium MRI—long axis view. Two collections (white arrows) with thick enhancing rim and hypointense core in the epicardium and myocardium of the left ventricle posterior wall. (b) T1-weighted postgadolinium MRI—short axis view. Lesions (arrow heads) in the left ventricle wall. A hyperintense calcified lesion located in the interventricular septum is also visualized. (c) T2-black blood MRI—axial view. Hyperintense core suggesting a cystic core (black arrow). (d) Autopsy study. Heart short axis view pointing out the three left ventricle abscesses observed on image (b) (arrow heads).