Case Report

Paratesticular Pleomorphic Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Report of Two Cases

Table 1

IRSG Presurgical Staging Classification

Stage Sites Tumor (T) Size Node (N) Metastases(M)

I Orbit, head and neck (excluding parameningeal) GU: nonbladder/nonprostate
T1 or T2a or b N0, N1, or NxM0
II Bladder/prostate, extremity, cranial, parameningeal, other
(includes trunk, retroperitoneum, and so on)
T1 or T2a N0 or NxM0
III Bladder/prostate, extremity, cranial parameningeal, other
(includes trunk, retroperitoneum, and so on)
T1 or T2a
N0, N1, or Nx
IV AllT1 or T2a or b N0 or N1M1

Note. Tumor: T1, confined to anatomic site of origin, (a) ≤5 cm in diameter in size, (b) >5 cm in diameter in size; T2, extension and/or fixative to surrounding tissue, (a) ≤5 cm in diameter in size, (b) >5 cm in diameter in size; regional nodes: N0, regional nodes not clinically involved; N1, regional nodes clinically involved by neoplasm; Nx, clinical status of regional nodes unknown; metastasis: M0, no distant metastasis; M1, metastasis present.
Abbreviation: GU: genitourinary.